security, openssl, oqs, quantum-safe,

Integrating OpenSSL with OQS Providers for Enhanced Quantum-Safe Security

vkosuri vkosuri Follow Dec 06, 2023 · 6 mins read
Integrating OpenSSL with OQS Providers for Enhanced Quantum-Safe Security
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of quantum computing, ensuring quantum-safe security protocols is more critical than ever. OpenSSL, a widely used toolkit for SSL and TLS protocols, has extended its capabilities to include support for quantum-safe algorithms through Open Quantum Safe (OQS) providers. This integration heralds a new era in cybersecurity, preparing systems for the quantum future.

What are OpenSSL OQS Providers?

OpenSSL OQS providers are modules that enable OpenSSL to utilize quantum-resistant algorithms. These providers are crucial for maintaining secure communication in the post-quantum era. They integrate seamlessly with OpenSSL, ensuring compatibility with existing systems while offering advanced protection against quantum threats. Installing and Activating an OQS Provider

Setting the Stage for OpenSSL and OQS Integration

  1. Environment Preparation: We begin by setting up our environment, designating directories for OpenSSL (/opt/openssl), liboqs (/opt/liboqs), and the OQS provider (/opt/oqs-provider). These paths are crucial for organized installation and management.

  2. Script Mechanics: Our script employs error handling (set -e) to ensure any issues are caught promptly. It’s all about precision and efficiency, utilizing available CPU cores ($(nproc)) to expedite the build process.

  3. Clean Slate: We clear out any existing directories (/optbuild/liboqs, /optbuild/openssl, /optbuild/oqs-provider) to avoid conflicts and ensure a fresh start.


# Enable error handling
set -e

# Set up environment and variables
MAKE_DEFINES="-j $(nproc)"  # Use all available cores

# clenup dirs if exists
echo "clenup dirs if exists"
rm -rf /optbuild/liboqs /optbuild/openssl /optbuild/oqs-provider

The Integration Odyssey

  1. Cloning Repositories: The journey involves cloning the latest versions of OpenSSL, liboqs, and the OQS provider from their respective GitHub repositories. This step is crucial to obtain the most up-to-date and secure versions.

     # List of repositories and branches to clone
         " openssl-3.2"
         " main"
         " main"
     # Function to clone a repository
     clone_repo() {
         repo_url=$(echo "$1" | awk '{print $1}')
         branch=$(echo "$1" | awk '{print $2}')
         if git clone --depth 1 --branch "$branch" "$repo_url"; then
             echo "Successfully cloned $repo_url"
             echo "Error cloning $repo_url" >&2
             exit 1
     # Export it so it's available to parallel
     export -f clone_repo
     mkdir -p /optbuild && cd /optbuild || exit
     # Call the function with xargs
     printf '%s\n' "${repos[@]}" | xargs -I {} -P 4 bash -c 'clone_repo "$@"' _ {}
  2. Building OpenSSL: Next, we compile and install OpenSSL, tweaking library paths to ensure smooth operation. This step lays the groundwork for integrating the OQS provider.
     # Build OpenSSL
     cd openssl || exit
     LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath -Wl,${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}/lib64" ./config shared --prefix="${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}"
     make ${MAKE_DEFINES} 2>&1 >/dev/null
     make install 2>&1 >/dev/null
     if [ -d "${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}/lib64" ]; then
         ln -s "${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}/lib64" "${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}/lib"
     if [ -d "${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}/lib" ]; then
         ln -s "${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}/lib" "${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}/lib64"
  3. Assembling liboqs: We then build liboqs with custom settings to enable specific quantum-safe algorithms, adjusting for performance and compatibility.
     # Build liboqs
     cd /optbuild/liboqs || exit
     mkdir -p build
     cmake -S . -B build \
         -DCMAKE_ASM_FLAGS='-Wa,--noexecstack' \
         -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
         -DOQS_OPT_TARGET=generic \
     cmake --build build --parallel $(nproc)
     cmake --build build --target install
  4. OQS Provider Installation: Finally, the OQS provider is compiled and installed. We tweak the OpenSSL configuration to recognize and activate the new provider, marking the culmination of our integration process.
     # Build oqs-provider
     cd /optbuild/oqs-provider || exit
     cmake --build _build
     cmake --install _build
     cp _build/lib/ "${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}/lib64/ossl-modules"
     sed -i "s/default = default_sect/default = default_sect\noqsprovider = oqsprovider_sect/g" "${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}/ssl/openssl.cnf"
     sed -i "s/\[default_sect\]/\[default_sect\]\nactivate = 1\n\[oqsprovider_sect\]\nactivate = 1\n/g" "${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}/ssl/openssl.cnf"
     sed -i "s/providers = provider_sect/providers = provider_sect\nssl_conf = ssl_sect\n\n\[ssl_sect\]\nsystem_default = system_default_sect\n\n\[system_default_sect\]\nGroups = \$ENV\:\:DEFAULT_GROUPS\n/g" "${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}/ssl/openssl.cnf"
     sed -i "s/HOME\t\t\t= ./HOME           = .\nDEFAULT_GROUPS = kyber768/g" "${INSTALLDIR_OPENSSL}/ssl/openssl.cnf"
  5. Verification: A key step is to verify our setup. We check the OpenSSL version and list the available providers to confirm that our OQS provider is successfully integrated.
     # Verify openssl version and providers
     /opt/openssl/bin/openssl version -a
     /opt/openssl/bin/openssl list -providers

The script found github gist as well

Embracing a Quantum-Safe Future

This script doesn’t just represent a set of commands; it’s a gateway to a new era of quantum-safe encryption. By integrating OQS providers with OpenSSL, we’re taking a proactive stance against the looming quantum threat, ensuring our digital communications remain secure and confidential.

In conclusion, the integration of OpenSSL with OQS providers is more than a technical task; it’s a necessary step in our ongoing journey towards a secure digital future. This guide, inspired by a shell script, is a testament to the power of open-source collaboration and innovation in the face of emerging cybersecurity challenges.

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Written by vkosuri Follow
I'm a security product enthusiast, constantly exploring new ideas and documenting my journey. I hold a promising patent US20190318238A1, While I'm not a native English speaker, I'm passionate about the world of security and eager to contribute to its evolution.