
Exploring the Landscape of Popular Phishing Frameworks

vkosuri vkosuri Follow Sep 18, 2023 · 2 mins read
Exploring the Landscape of Popular Phishing Frameworks
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Explore Various Phishing Frameworks: Language, OS Compatibility, Licensing, and Popularity

Are you fascinated by the world of cybersecurity and phishing frameworks? Join us on an exciting journey as we delve into a comprehensive overview of different phishing frameworks. In this post, we’ll uncover the programming languages they are built upon, their compatibility with various operating systems, licensing details, and even gauge their popularity within the cybersecurity community.

Prepare to be intrigued and gain insights into a diverse array of tools that play a critical role in cybersecurity. From digital forensics platforms to intrusion detection systems, and from container image vulnerability scanners to Kubernetes-native policy management tools, our exploration will cover it all.

Note: Dive deeper into each tool to understand its features and applications in the world of cybersecurity.

Scanner Name Language Operating System License About Popularity
Autopsy Java Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (GPL) Digital forensics and analysis platform. ***
Volatility Python Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (GPL) Memory forensics analysis tool. ***
Kismet C++ Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (GPL) Wireless network detector and sniffer. **
NetStumbler - Windows Freeware Wireless network scanner for Windows. *
Snort C Linux, Windows Open Source (GPL) Intrusion detection and prevention system. ***
Scapy Python Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (GPL) Packet manipulation and network toolset. ***
Tor C Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (Various) Anonymity network and browser. ***
Proxychains C Linux Open Source (GPL) Routing network traffic through proxy servers. ***
Harbor Go Linux, Windows Open Source (Apache) Container image registry with scanning. ***
Aqua Trivy (Trivy Enterprise) Go Linux, Windows, macOS Commercial (Aqua Security) Container image vulnerability scanner. **
Calico Go Linux, Windows Open Source (Apache) Kubernetes network policy plugin. ***
Cilium Go Linux Open Source (GPL) Network security, load balancing for Kubernetes. **
K-Rail Go Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (Apache) Kubernetes security assessment tool. **
Fluentd and Elasticsearch (EFK) Various Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (Various) Log collection and analysis for Kubernetes. ***
Fluent Bit and Loki (FBL) C, Go Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (Various) Log and event collection for Kubernetes. ***
Falco C, Lua Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (Apache) Kubernetes runtime security tool. ***
Prometheus Go Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (Apache) Metric collection and monitoring. ***
Grafana Go Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (Apache) Metric visualization and alerting. ***
Sysdig Secure Go Linux Commercial (Sysdig) Container and Kubernetes security. ***
Velero Go Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (Apache) Kubernetes backup and restore. ***
Open Policy Agent (OPA) Go Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (Apache) Policy-based control for Kubernetes. ***
Kyverno Go Linux, Windows, macOS Open Source (Apache) Kubernetes-native policy management. ***
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Written by vkosuri Follow
I'm a security product enthusiast, constantly exploring new ideas and documenting my journey. I hold a promising patent US20190318238A1, While I'm not a native English speaker, I'm passionate about the world of security and eager to contribute to its evolution.